Users Endpoints

POST /users/


Creates a new user.



POST /users/


Required Parameters

username : (string) 4-40 characters


Optional Parameters

first_name : (string) 100 characters

last_name : (string) 100 characters

email : (string) 80 characters

middle_init : (string) 1 character

date_start : (date8)

date_expire : (date8)

company : (string) 255 characters

address : (string) 255 characters

city : (string) 100 characters

state : (string) 4 characters

zip : (string) 10 characters

phone : (string) 20 characters

custom1(string) 255 characters

custom2 : (string) 255 characters

custom3 : (string) 255 characters

custom4 : (string) 255 characters

custom5 : (string) 255 characters

custom6 : (string) 255 characters

custom7 : (string) 255 characters

custom8 : (string) 255 characters

custom9 : (string) 255 characters

custom10 : (string) 255 characters

custom11 : (string) 255 characters

custom12 : (string) 255 characters

custom13 : (string) 255 characters

custom14 : (string) 255 characters

custom15 : (string) 255 characters

localization : (string) valid language pack name

role : (string) manager or learner

manager_id : (int)



  • username must be unique and not currently in use
  • username must be 4-40 characters, and can only contain letters, numbers, and the @ (ampersand) . (dot) _ (underscore) and - (dash) symbols
  • if sent, localization value must be a valid language pack installed
  • if sent, role value must be either manager or learner
  • if sent, manager_id must be a valid manager
Returns status, id of record added
    "status": "200",
    "id": "438

Introduction and Overview
How to Use this Documentation
Authentication and API Keys
Authorization using Bearer Tokens
Data Types
Return Data Format
API Logging
Consuming the Axis REST API
cURL Example Code
PHP Example Code
Certifications Endpoints
Certifications Endpoints Overview
GET /certifications/list/
GET /certifications/{program-id}/
GET /certifications/{program-id}/users/
GET /certifications/certificates/
GET /certifications/ceus/
POST /certifications/certificates/online/
POST /certifications/certificates/offline/
PUT /certifications/certificates/extend/
Courses Endpoints
Courses Endpoints Overview
GET /courses/count/
GET /courses/list/
GET /courses/{course-id}/
GET /courses/{course-id}/users/
POST /courses/enrollments/
DELETE /courses/enrollments/
ILT Endpoints
ILT Endpoints Overview
GET /ilt/list/
GET /ilt/users/{user-id}/sessions/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/sessions/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/meetings/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/completions/
POST /ilt/enrollments/
PUT /ilt/attendance/
DELETE /ilt/enrollments/
Learningpaths Endpoints
Learningpaths Endpoints Overview
GET /learningpaths/list/
GET /learningpaths/{learningpath-id}/users/
POST /learningpaths/enrollments/
DELETE /learningpaths/enrollments/
Organizations Endpoints
Organizations Endpoints Overview
GET /organizations/list/
GET /organizations/branches/
GET /organizations/users/{organization-id}/
GET /organizations/users/{organization-id}/{branch-id}/
POST /organizations/users/
DELETE /organizations/users/
Reports Endpoints
Reports Endpoints Overview
GET /reports/certifications/
GET /reports/courses/
GET /reports/learningpaths/
GET /reports/ilt/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/courses/
GET /reports/users/all/courses/
GET /reports/users/filtered/courses/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/archived/
GET /reports/users/all/archived/
GET /reports/users/filtered/archived/
GET /reports/users/all/certifications/
GET /reports/users/filtered/certifications/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/ilt/
GET /reports/users/all/ilt/
GET /reports/users/filtered/ilt/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/learningpaths/
GET /reports/users/all/learningpaths/
GET /reports/users/filtered/learningpaths/
Users Endpoints
Users Endpoints Overview
GET /users/list/
GET /users/{user-id}/
GET /users/all/
GET /users/filtered/
POST /users/
PUT /users/
Usergroups Endpoints
Usergroups Endpoints Overview
GET /usergroups/list/
GET /usergroups/{usergroup-id}/
GET /usergroups/{usergroup-id}/members/
POST /usergroups/
POST /usergroups/members/
DELETE /usergroups/
DELETE /usergroups/members/