Introduction and Overview

Data Types

This documentation identifies the data type for each parameter you send to an endpoint. Each endpoint reference page will include the parameters that can be sent along with the data type. The data types are as follows:



This is a string of alphanumeric characters. Some fields have a specific minimum and maximum number of characters which are indicated when applicable.



This is a numeric value. Some fields have a specific minimum and maximum value which are indicated when applicable.



This is a date in the format YYYYMMDD, for example 20250615



This is a field-name=value pair, or a series of field-name=value pairs separated by commas, where the = can be one of several comparison operators (see below).

Here are some examples:

user is in state of nj: state=nj
users email address contains
users manager is record id 12, user is in the salesteam usergroup, and user is in branch id 50:


The field-names available for compare strings are as follows:

id, manager_id, org_id, branch_id

username first_name, last_name, email, middle_init, company, address, city, state, zip, phone, custom1 > custom 15, localization, role, usergroup

date_start, date_expire


Comparison Operators:

= means equals

!= means does not equal

~ means contains (with 1 exception - see below)

!~ means does not contain (with 1 exception - see below)


  • usergroup uses ~ and !~ as 'are/are not in' a usergroup
  • When using multiple field-name/value pairs, the lookup is treated as condition 1 and condition 2 and condition 3 etc.


Introduction and Overview
How to Use this Documentation
Authentication and API Keys
Authorization using Bearer Tokens
Data Types
Return Data Format
API Logging
Consuming the Axis REST API
cURL Example Code
PHP Example Code
Certifications Endpoints
Certifications Endpoints Overview
GET /certifications/list/
GET /certifications/{program-id}/
GET /certifications/{program-id}/users/
GET /certifications/certificates/
GET /certifications/ceus/
POST /certifications/certificates/online/
POST /certifications/certificates/offline/
PUT /certifications/certificates/extend/
Courses Endpoints
Courses Endpoints Overview
GET /courses/count/
GET /courses/list/
GET /courses/{course-id}/
GET /courses/{course-id}/users/
POST /courses/enrollments/
DELETE /courses/enrollments/
ILT Endpoints
ILT Endpoints Overview
GET /ilt/list/
GET /ilt/users/{user-id}/sessions/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/sessions/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/meetings/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/completions/
POST /ilt/enrollments/
PUT /ilt/attendance/
DELETE /ilt/enrollments/
Learningpaths Endpoints
Learningpaths Endpoints Overview
GET /learningpaths/list/
GET /learningpaths/{learningpath-id}/users/
POST /learningpaths/enrollments/
DELETE /learningpaths/enrollments/
Organizations Endpoints
Organizations Endpoints Overview
GET /organizations/list/
GET /organizations/branches/
GET /organizations/users/{organization-id}/
GET /organizations/users/{organization-id}/{branch-id}/
POST /organizations/users/
DELETE /organizations/users/
Reports Endpoints
Reports Endpoints Overview
GET /reports/certifications/
GET /reports/courses/
GET /reports/learningpaths/
GET /reports/ilt/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/courses/
GET /reports/users/all/courses/
GET /reports/users/filtered/courses/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/archived/
GET /reports/users/all/archived/
GET /reports/users/filtered/archived/
GET /reports/users/all/certifications/
GET /reports/users/filtered/certifications/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/ilt/
GET /reports/users/all/ilt/
GET /reports/users/filtered/ilt/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/learningpaths/
GET /reports/users/all/learningpaths/
GET /reports/users/filtered/learningpaths/
Users Endpoints
Users Endpoints Overview
GET /users/list/
GET /users/{user-id}/
GET /users/all/
GET /users/filtered/
POST /users/
PUT /users/
Usergroups Endpoints
Usergroups Endpoints Overview
GET /usergroups/list/
GET /usergroups/{usergroup-id}/
GET /usergroups/{usergroup-id}/members/
POST /usergroups/
POST /usergroups/members/
DELETE /usergroups/
DELETE /usergroups/members/