LMS Reports

Axis LMS offers a comprehensive set of reporting tools for both on-demand and automated reports.

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Run Reports Anytime, Anywhere

Robust reporting features are essential to an LMS. They increase productivity and ensure compliance. Axis LMS features a verbose reporting engine, spanning from on-demand reports at your fingertips, to automated reports that can be saved, emailed out to designated people, or both. Complete filtering on multiple data points is available.

Create Custom Reports

Set up customized report filters that you can save and use in the future, and across any course. Apply the filters to other courses with just a few clicks.

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Assign Reports

Save filtered reports and assign them to report administrators that can sign in to the reporting portal and view just the reports you have assigned to them.

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Run Nightly Reports

Set up reports that save or email nightly. Configure the reports based on data points, filtering, and even set up the data fields that get stored in the report.

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Ready To Get Started?

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