Authorization using Bearer Tokens
The Axis API uses TLS over HTTPS for secure encrypted transfer of your data. However, additional security is added for protection of your system. Each API endpoint requires a Bearer Token to process the request.
When develping code to consume the Axis REST API, your code will need to first request a Bearer Token, and then use that for authorization when accessing the Axis REST API endpoints. Each issued Bearer Token is good for 1 hour, at which point your code would need to request another Bearer Token.
To start, use your API key to request a bearer token using the following endpoint:
GET /token/request/
The Bearer Token will be returned in a JSON object along with the expiration time like this:
"token": "13zKMrHcr6T3xIcniS30",
"expires": "2023-09-23 15:30:13"
Setup in Postman application
As mentioned, each Bearer Token expires in 1 hour, but you can revoke a token once you are done with it using your API key to revoke it like this.
GET /token/revoke/?token={token}