Introduction and Overview

Consuming the Axis REST API

Consuming a REST API such as the Axis REST API is fairly straightforward if you have worked with REST API's before.

If you are new to working with a REST API's, there are currently many frameworks and code library options already written for all popular coding languages such as C#, Java, PHP, Python, Node.js, and many others.

You can find libraries and frameworks for the programming language you are using by doing a search on your favorite search engine like this:

rest api library for {your language}

You can also view some of the example code and libraries in the following pages of this documentation.


Introduction and Overview
How to Use this Documentation
Authentication and API Keys
Authorization using Bearer Tokens
Data Types
Return Data Format
API Logging
Consuming the Axis REST API
cURL Example Code
PHP Example Code
Certifications Endpoints
Certifications Endpoints Overview
GET /certifications/list/
GET /certifications/{program-id}/
GET /certifications/{program-id}/users/
GET /certifications/certificates/
GET /certifications/ceus/
POST /certifications/certificates/online/
POST /certifications/certificates/offline/
PUT /certifications/certificates/extend/
Courses Endpoints
Courses Endpoints Overview
GET /courses/count/
GET /courses/list/
GET /courses/{course-id}/
GET /courses/{course-id}/users/
POST /courses/enrollments/
DELETE /courses/enrollments/
ILT Endpoints
ILT Endpoints Overview
GET /ilt/list/
GET /ilt/users/{user-id}/sessions/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/sessions/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/meetings/
GET /ilt/{program-id}/completions/
POST /ilt/enrollments/
PUT /ilt/attendance/
DELETE /ilt/enrollments/
Learningpaths Endpoints
Learningpaths Endpoints Overview
GET /learningpaths/list/
GET /learningpaths/{learningpath-id}/users/
POST /learningpaths/enrollments/
DELETE /learningpaths/enrollments/
Organizations Endpoints
Organizations Endpoints Overview
GET /organizations/list/
GET /organizations/branches/
GET /organizations/users/{organization-id}/
GET /organizations/users/{organization-id}/{branch-id}/
POST /organizations/users/
DELETE /organizations/users/
Reports Endpoints
Reports Endpoints Overview
GET /reports/certifications/
GET /reports/courses/
GET /reports/learningpaths/
GET /reports/ilt/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/courses/
GET /reports/users/all/courses/
GET /reports/users/filtered/courses/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/archived/
GET /reports/users/all/archived/
GET /reports/users/filtered/archived/
GET /reports/users/all/certifications/
GET /reports/users/filtered/certifications/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/ilt/
GET /reports/users/all/ilt/
GET /reports/users/filtered/ilt/
GET /reports/users/{user-id}/learningpaths/
GET /reports/users/all/learningpaths/
GET /reports/users/filtered/learningpaths/
Users Endpoints
Users Endpoints Overview
GET /users/list/
GET /users/{user-id}/
GET /users/all/
GET /users/filtered/
POST /users/
PUT /users/
Usergroups Endpoints
Usergroups Endpoints Overview
GET /usergroups/list/
GET /usergroups/{usergroup-id}/
GET /usergroups/{usergroup-id}/members/
POST /usergroups/
POST /usergroups/members/
DELETE /usergroups/
DELETE /usergroups/members/