Shopping Cart

Setting Up the Shopping Cart

Manage User Store Settings

Here is where you configure the settings for the User Store.


From the dropdown box, choose your gateway. Options are Stripe,, PayPal, or Simulated (useful for testing purposes). When you choose a gateway, you will be prompted for the required information needed in order to connect the Axis Shopping Cart to your gateway account.

Store Home Page

This allows you to create the content for the Storefront Home Page. Every page in the store has the same layout, and most pages have dynamically generated content (the products), but the Home Page content can be set up by you.

Terms and Conditions

This allows you to create the ‘Terms and Conditions’ for purchase. If you have anything filled out here, the purchaser will be required to check a box stating that they agree with the terms before they are able to proceed and complete their purchase.

Response Page for Successful Order

For and Simulated gateways, the content you put here will be displayed to your purchaser after they have successfully completed the order and their credit card was successfully charged.

Response Page for Failed Order

For and Simulated gateways, the content you put here will be displayed to your purchaser after they have submitted their order but something went wrong (usually a problem with the credit card).

Response Page for PayPal Order

For PayPal, the content you put here will be displayed to your purchaser after they have completed the order.

Notification Settings > Email Address

If you want to receive an email notification each time an order is placed, you can enter one or more email addresses here which will be notified.

Notification Settings > Email Template

If you want to receive an email notification each time an order is placed, and have set up one or more email addresses to receive it, this template is what will be used to determine the information that will be sent out as that notification.

Receipt Email Template

This template determines what information will appear on the receipt that gets emailed to the purchaser when they complete an order. Note that this receipt is in addition to any email/receipt the purchaser may receive from your gateway.